Dear Kaminuma~san,
It was my great pleasure and honor to go to Enryakuji with you. it was a very special and wonderful day for me to see your beautiful kyoubako and the Heien jidai
sculptures and other sculptures in the Treasure Hall. It is a great honor
to you for your kyoubako to be shown in the same building with these National
Treasure and Important Cultural Properties. The meal was also oishi and
the special Buddhist ceremonies were very spiritual, as were the buildings
and grounds of the temple. I have written haiku about my day at Enryakuji.
Today I spent the afternoon at Ryoanji. On the famous wall is a black
moon that reminds me of the black moon on your kogo I purchased. The sanskrit
kogo will always remind me of your kyoubako and our day at Enryakuji.